Classes & Events

Classes and Events presented by Birdsong.

Our Support Groups,Classes & Events

Guided Gathering


Tether is our close knit, all stages parenting support group. This group began in April 2020 and has met every Monday since.  This is a closed cohort for people to be able to experience a deep (virtual) community. When you know who is in the space, and have time to build rapport and trust then truly nothing is off limits. While we do sometimes talk through sleep stuff, weaning or feeding - Tether is a support space sturdy and sweet enough to hold so much more. It has been the richest time and place with magical people on multiple continents parenting kiddos from the first year through pre teen/teenage times. 

Since many of the original Tether folks continuie on with us space is limited. If you are a past client, have taken a class from us or been in community with us actively over the years then you probably have a sense of how we hold this group and what it feels like to be with us. If you are brand new and stumbling on this post then we recommend you reach out to us first to schedule a conversation. Our intention is to hold this group through 2 full seasons for each cohort (although some folks have traveled with and in TETHER for years) and with that kind of time commitment expectation we think you (and us!) should get to know each other a bit first to make sure it's going to meet needs. 

The cost is $88/month - which gets you 8 hours of support per month. Some people come every week and stay the whole call, some can only come for 60-90 mins of each week or have to sometimes miss a call. The pricing is meant to feel like a high value return on investment, even if you miss a call or two. About the same per week as a drop in class and cheaper for the month than a therapy session

A note on perinatal mood disorders and scope of practice. While I am not a therapist or psychologist I have been a postpartum centric full spectrum doula for over a decade and have training in everything from birth trauma to mood disorders. TETHER is a safe place for people experiencing anxiety and/or depression and we aren’t scared to hold that, or really anything, with you. That said I absolutely will step in and reflect back the edges of the space, and of my scope, if it feels like you need more support than the group can offer. Tether is a great compliment to weekly 1-1 therapy and I really encourage people to use all kinds of support avenues in addition to our space. 

Enrollment opens twice a year on the spring and autumn equinox. After that the doors close and that cohort of people will travel together through the next 2 seasons with the next shift planned for the next Equinox

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What’s Next: A 4th Trimester Planning Class

Birdsong’s prenatal postpartum planning class for expecting families. 

We do this every month and it never fails to astound us how much planning families need and how there is always more to learn and support! It’s a lot. After all, Postpartum is forever! This is not a baby care class, this is us giving you all we’ve got to plan for and galvanize the rings of support around you. We’ll focus on nourishment, physical healing, emotional healing, guests (this is a big topic these days), sibling prep and support, mental health, sleep, newborn care, infant feeding, relationship and partnering, tethering to the self, home/life flow, postpartum sex and pleasure and so much more. 

Families leave with the scaffolding of a plan and loads of resources to complete it, including meal plans, favorite recipes, and worksheets galore. We’d love to have you join us.

Sliding scale and scholarships are always available to BIPOC by request

“Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU! This class was really so helpful and such a pleasure to talk and learn all things postpartum! I'm still digesting and revisiting it and I really do feel like I have a much better grasp on how to prep and plan for this time. Thanks again for all of your guidance and knowledge!!!” - Kyle, NYC