Doula Work

A postpartum doula supports a family in the transition of welcoming a new baby.



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Virtual Doula Support

Need support during COVID 19? We got you!

Full Spectrum Doula Support through Pregnancy, Labor, Birth & Postpartum:

Work with us to support you as you birth in this uncertain time. We will meet you where you are with the needs you have and support you the way that feels best for you and your family. This includes prenatal planning and education, 24/7 virtual support during your labor and birth and nourishing postpartum support after your birth and beyond. (Phone/Text/ZOOM/FaceTime)


Postpartum Doula Support

A postpartum doula supports a family in the transition of welcoming a new baby. A postpartum doula does:

  • Empower the new parents by helping them to feel balanced, rested and supported to be the parents they want to be to their baby

  • Keep everyone fed and well hydrated

  • Advise the family on how to make the most of the support they have on offer

  • Help to process the experience of giving birth regardless of whether it went “as planned”

  • Provide breastfeeding support: getting a good latch, various positions, advice on what is “normal”, tracking diapers, identifying possible serious issues and provide appropriate referrals

  • For those choosing to feed from their body we bring healthy snacks to the parents while nursing and help advise on healthy breastfeeding nutrition and self care

  • Help set up nursing stations and diaper changing areas throughout the home

  • Home organization and functional flow of space to support parenting

  • Offer evidence based advice on a range of normal newborn care issues

  • Give a great foot rub

  • Assist with the learning of baby carriers

  • Help the family get rest

  • Prepare meals and tidy up the home

  • Help the partner find practical ways to support the birthing person

  • Set up meal trains

  • Sibling care and transition for families welcoming a second child

  • Helping to run errands or accompanying the family to the pediatrician or other appointments

  • Referrals to specialists in areas of need that present themselves whether it be support groups, therapists, acupuncturists, babysitters, pediatricians, community events, household services, classes etc

  • Phone and text support

And much much more.

Erica and Laura have been working as postpartum doulas in New York City for over 5 years and have served over 350+ families combined.

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Birth Doula Support

Though our focus has always been Postpartum we are both trained Birth Doulas as well and occasionally open up our calendars to consider full spectrum doula care that includes prenatal, labor, birth and postpartum support. If you’re interested in working with us in this capacity please reach out.

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Virtual Postpartum Planning Sessions

Need support but feel far away? No problem.

For the Expectant Family:

Work with us to plan for an empowered and supported transition across the threshold. We will help you harness your circles of support and give you practical tools to prepare. Depending on your areas of interest we can cover questions about everything from birth healing to feeding choices, twin care, sibling prep, babywearing, postpartum nutrition, the spiritual bridge including closing the portal mindfully, nourishing both the self and relationship among other practical, emotional and esoteric aspects. (Phone/ZOOM/FaceTime)

For the New Family:

If you are already postpartum we can use the time to address any areas of parenthood and self care that are currently presenting challenges. We will do a follow up to provide requested resources and also send you a personalized resource doc and meditation based on your intentions to continue working with.

Our Mission:

We provide hilarious, practical and fully integrated heart based support for families in New York City. As certified Postpartum Doulas we have been teaching original curriculum, performing private and community Birth Blessing ceremonies and working in home with new parents since we birthed our first babies in 2013.

As mothers, between us, we birthed 5 babies in 3 years and have learned personally and in our work that with a few tools, the right support, lots of resources (and some hearty laughs!) it is possible to thrive during the wild ride that is the transition of a new baby (or babies!)

Exchange: Sliding scale