

Tether Together Archive

When we tether together - birdsong

Episode 1: When We Tether Together...

Welcome to Tether Together with Erica Livingston and Laura Interlandi of Birdsong Brooklyn! We are excited to tell you that we have a podcast! This is Season One Episode One aka the “low key intro episode”

Here we introduce ourselves, talk about how we came to be, how the podcast came to be and who we are. In a world of feeling like we’re too much, we touch on setting intentions to step into and create a container for the “too muchness” and celebrate it! #nevertoomuch

We explore the concept of “Tether Together” and how it relates to our friendship and business. This is a community offering and the intention of the Podcast is to show up in joyful service, share our friendship and invite you into the juiciest parts of it. 

Thanks for tuning in and please remember to subscribe and leave us a review - literally embodying the concept of ‘Tether Together’ with us!


Nourished Postpartum tether together Birdsong Brooklyn

Episode 2: Nourished Postpartum

Welcome friends, to our second episode: all things Nourished Postpartum. What do you think of when you hear the word “Postpartum”? Please join us as we explore what it means to plan for and receive care from people in your community. If you've had your babes already, or don't plan on having children you will learn to apply these concepts in other milestone moments #gositzyourself The question we are asking and (trying!) answering this episode: how can we shift perspectives when it comes to the postpartum period in ways that will yield better outcomes? We share cross cultural practices of care, what postpartum planning can look like and even some recipes that can be enjoyed long after you stop putting cold packs on your healing parts. #postpartumdonuts Help us take 'Postpartum' from the cultural junk drawer to center stage with joy, reverence and honouring. And don't forget #thatsitzisntgoingtositzitself Books: The First Forty Days A Taste of Our Own Medicine Full Moon Feast Meal Train Websites: To mobilize change we are rallying to discuss, with nuance, many of the layers that make the postpartum transition feel challenging: enter the 2nd Annual Nourished Postpartum Challenge! Join in, follow the hashtags #nourishedpostpartumchallenge and #showupforpostpartum and tag us in your posts!

show up for postpartum tether together Birdsong Brooklyn podcast

Episode 3: Show Up For Postpartum

Show UP for Postpartum! Last week we talked about WHY we need to #showupforpostpartum. This week we are breaking down HOW. Hiring a Postpartum Doula can actually revolutionize how your family and friends show up for you! Not only are we teaching families about how create rings of support, we are equipping those rings with a solid roadmap of how to doula you. Now everyone is your Doula! We've got your DO-sies and your DON'T-sies for showing up in postpartum spaces because we know you want to be the dream guest! We are looking at YOU Great Aunt Susan! Our dream for this episode is that it is shared far and wide by pregnant and postpartum people, to their family and friends near and far and by doula's to their communities and in their client resource docs, inspiring people to activate support and receive care from their community. If you want further nourishment, support and inspo, hop over to our email love notes and make sure you're signed up so we can doula your inbox. Also, over on Instagram the hashtags #nourishedpostpartumchallenge and #showupforpostpartum are a beautiful example of what happens when community comes together to support this vital and potent time period. Check it out! Happy meal preppin'! #nourishedpostpartum #bossydoula #doularesourcedoc

available joy tether together podcast Birdsong Brooklyn

Episode 4: Available Joy

Today we are discussing mental health through the lens of joy finding and receiving. Laura tells the story of finding out she is pregnant with twins and why and how Available Joy became so vital and Erica reflects on the Grandmother medicine of 'simple joy's'. We explore the pressure in parenting to "enjoy every moment" and what it means to be realistic while also staying open to what is magic and juicy in life in real time. Of course there is some doula nerd-ery about Oxytocin thrown in for good measure and we close with why the basic tenants of comedy will help you in your life, your parenting and your ability to create space for and access Available Joy.  You know, casual 80 minute chats. #availablejoy